The portable toilet rental question: Toilet blocks or chemiloos?

If you run an outdoor event, operate a worksite, or are involved with any kind of business that sees visitors or staff spending time away from interior plumbing, you’re going to need some toilet facilities. Portable toilet rental is incredibly important, but is equally a cause of debate: should I choose chemiloos or portable toilet blocks?nnLike any good topic of debate, there are positives and negatives surrounding both options. It’s possible that in some situations you may find one choice to outclass the other. In this article, we’ll be examining the pros and cons of both options to help you come to a conclusion as to which option would be most beneficial for you and your business.n

Cleanliness & hygiene

nWhen it comes to settling on one option in regards to portable toilet rental, it’s likely that the cleanliness and hygiene of the loos will be the first thing on your mind. Dirty and smelly toilets are, at best, off-putting for your visitors and workmen and a health hazard at the worst.nnWhen it comes to general cleanliness, it’s difficult to argue that anything is better than a portable toilet block. First and foremost, as these toilets are connected to the mains water supply, flushing is a breeze and there’s no need to have a slowly filling chemical tank connected to them. nnIn terms of cleanliness, ceramic toilets are easily wiped down and bleached, while the anti-slip vinyl flooring found in portable toilet blocks makes for even more straightforward cleaning. On a more personal hygiene front, the presence of built in sinks in a toilet block means that people are more likely to wash their hands – as opposed to a portaloo where there is nothing but a plastic seat in the small cabin.nnDespite this, any chemiloos hired from Unit Hire come with a weekly servicing at no extra cost to ensure that they’re as clean and safe as they can possibly be.n


nAside from hygiene, cost is another important factor to consider in regards to portable toilet rental. Chemiloos are, of course, a lot cheaper than large mains-connected toilet blocks. The cost involved in building a fully-equipped toilet unit is relatively high, so the rental cost is higher.nnHowever, there is a quality vs quantity dilemma involved. While cheaper, chemiloos are usually hired out in larger numbers, meaning that cost could be a negligible factor. For larger events such as music festivals, chemiloos are a more prudent option, but could cost more than the portable toilet units hired out to a large construction site.nnUltimately, the cost of portable toilet rental can only really be calculated on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the size of your project and the quality of the required facilities it’s up to you to decide whether dedicated toilet blocks or simple chemiloos would be a better option.n


nPerhaps less important than cost and hygiene, but still a factor that should certainly be taken into consideration is the comfort of anyone using your toilets. On a worksite, clean and comfortable toilets will lead to happier, more efficient workers, while at an event, they lead to much happier customers. That worker morale matters, as it’s worksites that make up the majority of portable toilet customers, hiring out three quarters of the nations portable toilets every year.nnUnsurprisingly, larger toilet blocks are almost always superior when it comes to comfort. Connected to mains electricity, portable toilet blocks can be heated and are well-lit, providing a more legitimate bathroom experience.nnOn the other hand, the hard plastic seats and unpleasant ‘too hot in summer, too cold in winter’ temperatures most often associated with chemiloos provide a less comfortable experience. Plus, due to only being lit through a semi-transparent roof, they can get very dark – if not somewhat claustrophobic – at night.n


nBoth the interior and exterior of toilet blocks are far more pleasant and professional looking than the rows of green portaloos often associated with portable toilets. Of course, chemiloos are fine when installed en masse in a muddy festival field, where comfort and cleanliness come second to simply providing enough facilities for everybody.nnDespite that, for a worksite or a smaller event, choosing to hire toilet blocks is a far better solution. Not only will your workers and guests be happier and more comfortable, but you’ll be able to keep your toilet facilities cleaner and better looking further down the line.nn nnWhether you’re looking to hire toilet blocks or portaloos, contact Unit Hire today. Our friendly team are happy to discuss your needs in depth and recommend you the best toilet solutions for your situation.