The agricultural benefits of shipping container farm buildings

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, shipping containers are extremely versatile. Their uses go far beyond transporting goods on ships; they can be transformed into functional storage and cultivation facilities. Many industries can benefit from what storage containers have to offer, and one such industry is agriculture. Shipping container farm buildings provide an excellent and affordable solution to some farming needs. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of using shipping containers on farms. nn n


nWe understand that farms face many demands, and one of them is space. Having access to a significant indoor space is incredibly useful, and shipping containers are just that. They’re excellent for growing crops and can be set up like a makeshift greenhouse or nursery. Shipping containers are primarily designed to store and transport a large number of items overseas. As such, they make superb storage facilities for tools, farm machinery, and even grains or other foodstuffs that would perish when damp. nn n


nOf course, shipping containers can be 40 feet long, and are therefore by no means small. However, they are confined to their own perimeters – no more, no less. A shipping container will not expand or require extending, and won’t encroach on its surroundings. They provide a self-contained, relatively compact indoor area which you can use however you choose. nnCompared with building a permanent fixture on your land, a shipping container is far less invasive and makes for far better use of space. It’s a small footprint on your farm but has lots of utility. nn n


nBeing able to easily move a shipping container (providing you have a suitable vehicle, which you are likely to have on a farm), has three main advantages over virtually any other large container. For one, there’s next to no set-up time – as soon as the container arrives on your land, you can start using it for growing or storing. Secondly, you’re free to move the container around your farm however you see fit and adapt it to your needs. Third of all, if you use it for growing crops, you’re able to transport your extremely fresh produce to customers and sell directly from your shipping container-cum-greenhouse. nn n

Controlled environment

nOne of the biggest threats facing farms across the world is nature, more specifically, unpredictable weather. With a shipping container, you can control the environment to the finest detail. You can set the temperature, humidity, lighting, and watering schedule. Being an indoor unit, you can also limit the amount of access that pests have to your produce, improving your yield and reducing the amount of pesticide you need to use. The result is being able to grow certain crops at all times of the year. If this doesn’t sound like a perfect solution, then we don’t know what does! nn n


nAt the end of the day, money talks, and if you’re looking for a large storage space or facility in which to grow produce, a shipping container is likely to be the most affordable option. When compared to permanent fixtures like warehouses, or other alternatives such as sheds, the size-to-cost ratio is almost always in favour of shipping containers. nnGiven their versatility which we’ve discussed already, should you decide to make changes to the layout of your farm or the way you use your shipping container, it’s far easier to do than with a permanent building structure.  n

Can you put a shipping container on agricultural land? 

nYes, generally speaking, you can put a shipping container on agricultural land. The main points to remember is that you must own the land yourself, and the shipping container must be considered a ‘temporary structure’ If you’re not entirely sure, we’d recommend contacting your local planning officer for further clarification. nn nn

nn nnThe reasons why using shipping containers for farm buildings is a good idea are plentiful. If you’d like more information on exactly how we can convert shipping containers to suit your exact farming needs, then get in touch with us today. We offer a range of pre-designed containers for you to choose from, or if you have something more specific in mind, we can custom build one to meet your exact needs. Give us a call on 0800 977 7590 to discuss it with one of our team.