Medical storage – How the NHS can benefit from storage containers

Medical storage is now more important than ever. Not a day goes by without people discussing the ways that the UK’s National Health Service is underfunded. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that keeping a country of nearly 70 million fit and healthy is an expensive mission – in fact, it costs over 100 billion pounds a year to keep the organisation running.nnA significant chunk of that huge budget will no doubt find its way into payments for medical storage warehouse costs. Even then, although many hospitals are filled to the brim with beds, lots of space still has to be given to storage. nnThe NHS is undoubtedly in need of plenty of storage space. At Unit Hire, we think that filling hospitals with storage rooms and spending a small fortune on warehouse rental simply isn’t the best way to do things. Medical storage may actually find a cost-effective future in ISO-standard intermodal storage containers.n

Staff rooms

nUnfortunately, many hospitals are bursting at the seams and have to make as much use of space as possible. This can leave doctors and nurses – who already work shifts 12 hours or longer – with few places to relax, socialise or simply take a break away from their incredibly stressful routines.nnContainers placed on hospital grounds wouldn’t use up much of the valuable, thinly spread space but could provide all the facilities necessary for a staff room, office or even a small canteen. Coming in at a much lower price point than constructing a new building, container offices and staff rooms would be a blessing for hospitals and their workers up and down the country. n

Unused equipment

nLots of hospital equipment is very big, taking up a serious amount of space in the storage room of a hospital when not in use. Beyond that, large medical equipment is also incredibly expensive. A new CT scanner, for instance, will set a hospital back by well over £250,000. Due to these prices, it’s important that they are stored securely. nnAs we’ve already covered, rather than sending this kind of equipment to an off-site medical storage warehouse where you have to hope it’ll arrive back in one-piece when needed and won’t have been stolen during a break in, opt for a container. An ultra-durable intermodal steel box with a lockbox will not only halt potential thieves in their tracks, but can also be stored close by for that added feeling of comfort.nnIn regards to the size of the equipment, this is where most hospitals have an issue. Trying to store a number of large medical devices in a storage room simply isn’t effective when more room for patients and beds is required. Fortunately, a 40-foot container kept on site but out of the building itself is ideal for storing large medical equipment. Considering a 40-foot container has enough room for around four cars, a hospital shouldn’t have any problems at all using one for medical storage.nn nnConsidering a container for your next medical storage solution? These cheap, durable boxes are perfect for storing just about anything – so get in touch with Unit Hire today.