How to install portable toilets on your worksite

You may not be gripped by the title of this article. But rest assured it’s a useful read if you have an exciting construction project (or even a leisure event) to manage. Portable toilets are an important feature of any temporary work venue. Whether you opt for semi-permanent toilet blocks or choose the classic plastic chemiloo, it goes without saying that HR may have something to say if you can’t provide your employees with somewhere to…’powder their nose’. nnChemiloo provide an indispensable service for anyone working on your site. Portable toilet hire is a simple process, but once your toilets are hired and on their way, it’s great to know what you need to do upon their arrival in order to install them correctly. This week, the Unit Hire team walk you through what you need to know to successfully install portable toilets on your worksite without any hiccups.nn n

Why do you need portable toilet units?

nPortable toilets are essential for all worksites, as well as being incredibly useful for outdoor events. Good portable toilet units ensure that your workers always have somewhere to go when nature calls – please your employees from the bottom up. nnOf course, self-contained chemical toilets are never going to offer a truly five-star service – that’s the job of larger portable units. Despite this, they’re a necessary addition to larger sites or events likely to attract large numbers of visitors, such as festivals.nn n

The installation process

nThe installation of both large temporary toilet units and smaller chemiloos is relatively straightforward. Chemical toilets, in particular, couldn’t be more straightforward. Simply load them onto a lorry and transfer them to the best location for your workers or guests. Their big perk is that they’re fully self-contained, so you don’t have to worry about where the waste will go just yet.nnDue to their size and weight, larger units require more specialist equipment to ensure that they can be moved and positioned with ease. nnTip: if you have units with mains access, you’ll want to ensure that your units are placed close to plumbing and power outlets. Not only will this give you full plumbing but access to hot water too!nnIf you can’t access mains plumbing for your waste pipe, you’ll need to purchase or hire an effluent sewage tank. These tanks can be placed beneath or alongside your unit and connect directly to the waste pipe to collect everything that gets flushed away.nn n

Cleaning portable toilets

nIf you have a portable toilet unit that’s connected to the mains, cleaning your toilets won’t be a problem at all. As they’re connected to the mains plumbing and sewage system, they’re as easy to clean as your toilet at home. Like any toilet, some bleach and a bit of elbow grease is all you need to keep them clean.nnSelf-contained chemical toilets aren’t quite as simple. Firstly, because these toilets simply store waste rather than getting rid of it, you need to hire a waste-suction truck whenever you need to drain the toilet. The same goes for units with effluent sewage tanks. You’ll then need to be sure that you have access to the chemicals required to refill the toilet and eliminate any bacteria with each flush. Note: some of these toilet chemicals contain toxic, environmentally-damaging chemicals such as formaldehyde.nnFor comfort and to comply with health and safety regulations, you’ll want to ensure that there’s an odour elimination system in the toilet. Alongside this, there also needs to be plenty of frequently replaced toilet paper, as well as consumables such as soap.nnKeeping your portable toilets in good shape is a tough job. Fortunately, the portable chemical toilet hire offered by Unit Hire comes with a guarantee that we’ll thoroughly clean and service your chemiloos on a weekly basis.nnInstalling and looking after portable toilets can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Get in touch with the friendly team at Unit Hire today for all of your portable toilet needs. Your worksite will thank you!